Data Structures and Algorithms: Best Practices for Landing a Job at Top Tech Companies

Data Structures and Algorithms: Best Practices for Landing a Job at Top Tech Companies

Data structures and algorithms are critical for efficient programming. They are the backbone of computer science, making use of how computers work internally to offer efficient solutions to common problems. Top tech companies require candidates to have some knowledge of data structures and algorithms. Here are some tips on how to prepare for the interview process including what skills you need, what resources to learn from, and how to demonstrate your skills on a resume.

Why Data Structures And Algorithms Matter

Data and data structures are at the core of computer science. It’s what makes computer programs run efficiently, but also is what makes them run at all. Algorithms are a form of data structure, but they are specifically designed to solve problems. Data structures are the backbone of computer programming, taking care of the messy jobs that make it easier for programmers to work with data. They’re the essential, underlying processes that make computer programming possible. Algorithms are a form of data structure that is meant to solve a problem. They’re the heart of computer science, outlining how computers should go about solving a problem in the most efficient way possible. It’s what makes computers work.

Top tech companies are constantly on the lookout for candidates with knowledge of data structures and algorithms. You have to have some knowledge of these topics in order to get an interview with these companies, so if you want to break into the industry, it’s important to study these concepts.

What Skills Do You Need To Prepare For The Interview Process? Companies like Google and Amazon require candidates to have a strong knowledge of data structures and algorithms. To prepare for the interview process, you need to know the basics of data structures and algorithms and be able to efficiently solve common problems.

Data structures and algorithms are foundational areas of computer science. They are made up of how computers work internally. You need to have a strong understanding of the fundamentals of computer science, from how they work to how to use them.

Many resources can help you better understand these concepts. A great place to start is the book Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions. It offers 150 programming questions and solutions, with detailed explanations. It will help you prepare for the types of questions you’ll be asked at a coding interview.

Another resource is a site called It offers a lot of resources for preparing for a coding interview, including a number of practice questions.

In addition, you need to be prepared to write out your solutions on a whiteboard or computer screen. You should practice writing out your solutions to as many problems as possible before the interview. This will help you stay prepared and give you confidence when you enter the interview room.

What Resources Can You Use To Learn From?

Learning data structures and algorithms can be challenging. Luckily, there are plenty of resources available to help you! An excellent free resource is the website, Coursera where they teach you data structures and algorithms with online video lectures.

Another great resource is the YouTube channel, 3Blue1Brown. Here, they make computer science topics understandable in an interesting way.

If you want to explore more on your own, books are also helpful. Check out this book by Dr. Charles Leiserson on data structures and algorithms for computer science majors.

Another book that can be helpful is The Practice of Computing Using Python by Peter Wentworth, Gregory P. Wilson, and Donald Egan.

Finally, if you want to learn by doing, check out this Data Structures and Algorithms course at Udacity. Courses like these teach you the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms with interactive programming exercises.

If you are looking for a resource to practice data structures and algorithms as you go, is an excellent resource!

How Do You Demonstrate Your Skills On A Resume?

Top tech companies require applicants to have knowledge of data structures and algorithms.

So how can you demonstrate your skills on a resume? The best way is to use a personal project that makes use of these skills. Find a data set that interests you and write code that solves a problem related to that data set. You can also work on projects, such as Kaggle competitions, that demonstrate your knowledge of data structures and algorithms.

Another way is to list your skills in the "Skills" section of your resume. This will make it easy for a recruiter to see the skills you have and what you're qualified for. For example, if you know Python programming and data structures, you can list Python in the "Skills" section under "Programming Languages," "Data Structures," and/or "Algorithms."

Now, when a recruiter looks at your resume, they'll see that you're qualified for positions with Python programming, data structures, and algorithms.


There are many resources available to learn data structures and algorithms. There are books to learn from, youtube videos to watch and websites to help you practice.

The good news is, provides handpicked selection of all sorts of data structures and algorithm questions, most of these questions have been asked in a real interview!.

No matter what you do, make sure you practice! You'll be happy you did when it's time for your interview.